Thursday, September 16, 2010

About: Life Is Just a Chair of Bowlies...

Ya so I have been thinking all week about what would my blog have to offer. Considering that there are some extremely talented blogs out there that inspire me to work on my own projects, I wonder "What will strangers, and friends get from visiting me?" Well that's the thing, I don't know.

I could say this is about me living in NYC and being busy, and my kids, and my boyfriend and my dog and my family and my pseudo families. Or I can say this is about scrapbooking which is my passion, or card making, or quilting that I love as well or collage or or or.

Well, this is what it is. So today I will talk about 2 of my favorite words. The first is CHINCHILLA. I do not know why I find this word so funny, but I do. I had the opportunity to actually hold a chinchilla and boy are they fuzzy. So cute. And fuzzy. No matter what mood I am in I crack up whenever I hear this word, I can barely think of this word without laughing. Call me strange, yah I get that a lot. But I love that word.

The other word is actually not a word but a nonsense silly word, in the vein of that long word from Mary Poppins. It is SNARFBLATT (from The Little Mermaid). This is anther word I love because if you know me , then you know when I use SNARFBLATT I am being silly, or mean, or whatever. But it really fills in the blank. Case in point: What is he thinking? Let me just SNARFBLATT? it means whatever you want it to mean at that moment, and most people get it.
Yah one of my favos!

I also love when famous phases get changed up a bit. One of my favorites is:
It was altered by Mary Engelbreit

Well all done for now, hope you come back!


1 comment:

  1. Ini you are soooo cute! I love your blog post!!


